Dangers of using a VPN

People use VPN services for “Security” but who’s to say that an online VPN is more secure than your local internet service provider as an endpoint to the internet?

Personally I will create a Virtual Private Server instance (using Vultr, my current preference for server providers) and simply run this script to create a VPN profile 😛
It takes a couple minutes… Although I already know how to SSH into a server and already have OpenVPN installed on my machine…

Here’s some further reading courtesy ChatGPT.

The Security Risks of Using an Unknown VPN Provider: Potential Traffic Monitoring


Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) have become increasingly popular as a means to enhance online privacy and security. They encrypt internet traffic, allowing users to browse the web anonymously and access restricted content. However, it is important to exercise caution when selecting a VPN provider, as unknown or untrusted services may pose potential security risks, including the monitoring of user traffic. This article explores the potential dangers associated with using VPNs from unknown online providers and highlights the importance of choosing reputable services.

The Importance of a Trusted VPN Provider:

VPNs are designed to provide privacy and security by encrypting the data transmitted between a user’s device and the VPN server. When a user connects to a VPN, their internet traffic is routed through the VPN server, which masks their IP address and location. This functionality is vital, especially when using public Wi-Fi networks, as it prevents unauthorized access and potential eavesdropping by malicious actors.

However, not all VPN providers are created equal. Trusted and reputable VPN services implement robust privacy policies, maintain a no-logs policy, and prioritize user security. On the other hand, unknown or dubious VPN providers may operate with questionable practices, potentially compromising user privacy and security.

Risks of Unknown VPN Providers:

  1. Traffic Monitoring: One of the main concerns with using VPN services from unknown providers is the potential for traffic monitoring. These providers may secretly log and monitor users’ online activities, including websites visited, files downloaded, and personal information transmitted. This monitoring can be exploited for various purposes, such as selling user data to third parties or engaging in targeted advertising.
  2. Data Leaks and Breaches: Unknown VPN providers may not have robust security measures in place, making them more susceptible to data breaches. Inadequate encryption protocols or vulnerabilities in the VPN software could expose sensitive user information to cybercriminals or government surveillance agencies.
  3. Malware and Adware Distribution: Some lesser-known VPN providers may bundle their software with malware or adware, potentially infecting users’ devices. These malicious elements can compromise the security of the device and enable unauthorized access to personal data.
  4. Lack of Transparency and Accountability: Reputable VPN providers often undergo independent security audits and willingly disclose information about their infrastructure and policies. In contrast, unknown providers may lack transparency, making it difficult to ascertain the level of security and privacy they offer.

Choosing a Reputable VPN Provider:

To mitigate the security risks associated with unknown VPN providers, users should consider the following factors when selecting a VPN service:

  1. Reputation: Research and choose a VPN provider with a proven track record and positive user reviews. Look for well-established providers with a history of prioritizing user privacy and security.
  2. Privacy Policy and Logging: Review the provider’s privacy policy and ensure they have a strict no-logs policy, meaning they do not collect or store any information about users’ online activities.
  3. Security Measures: Assess the encryption protocols and security features offered by the VPN provider. Look for providers that use robust encryption algorithms and regularly update their software to address vulnerabilities.
  4. Independent Audits: Opt for VPN providers that undergo regular independent security audits conducted by reputable third-party firms. These audits validate the provider’s claims about their privacy and security practices.


While VPNs can significantly enhance online privacy and security, using a VPN service from an unknown online provider can introduce potential security risks. Monitoring user traffic, data leaks, malware distribution, and a lack of transparency are among the concerns associated with such providers. It is essential to choose a reputable VPN service that prioritizes user privacy, maintains a strict no-logs policy, and employs robust security measures. By making an informed decision, users can leverage VPN technology safely and enjoy enhanced online security and privacy.

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